Abrasion and corrision resistant linings and coatings for mining and industrial applications

C-100 Technical Cement Lining

Duratek C-100 Technical Cement Lining is an easy-to-use and very economical lining choice for equipm

C-100 Technical Cement Lining is an easy-to-use and very economical choice for protecting areas subjected to extreem abrasion.  Available in the traditional recycled steel drum with 650 lbs of dry material, or now in 50 lb. multi-layer bags.

Ceramic Beaded Epoxy Coatings

Dura-tek offers several Ceramic Beaded Epoxy Coatings for a wide variety of application inviroments.  Bead size and cureing times are application and need specific. Eazy 50-50 mixing ratios and kit sizes to minimise waisting material

High Strength Tile Adhesives

Dura-tek High Strength Tile Adhesives are available in several cure and working life formulas.  Specific blends to provide high performance in higher temperature applications are no problem.  For applications where a strong bond is essential.

Hydraulic Water-Stop Cements

Tek-plug is a Water-stop dry powder cement that you simply mix with water until a putty-like consistency. You force your mixed"putty" into prepared area for immediate leak stoppage.

Instant Set Polyurethane Sealant

10X Tek-foam is designed to provide rapid expanding, fast-setting urethane foam for water cut-off of high volumes leaks. 10X Tek-foam will expand up to 10 times its original volume creating a permanent, flexible and water-tight seal.

High Performance Floor Systems

Dura-tek has you covered in the shop floor needs too.  Repair systems and appropriate primers utilized with Dura-tek High Build Epoxy Floor Coatings will create  a work enviroment that is not only beautiful, but safer too.


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Contact Us

Dura-tek, LLC

1653 McFarlane Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15216, US

(412) 327-6097
